Tuesday, May 4, 2010

my poison

I am suffering tonight. Where is the pain that i need? Is it still alive? The days are getting longer. The nights are lonely. Is Evil playing games with me? I don't like games. I don't like lies. I will not die for it. Please come to me now!
I'm not afraid. I am angry. I want to feel the sting deep inside.
Let the blue turn red. Then I will know you are here. Have you found another?

can't get it right

repeating over and over, myself. can't get it right. the sounds from nature, no not nature. humans! always in a hurry. i still wait for my addiction, while they move along like frighten rabbits about to be eaten. silly humans. we have met the enemy. it is us.
A quote I found today:
"As I was walking up the stairs, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I wish he would go away."
to many voices inside. they want their turn to speak. i must go for now.
I don't understand what they want. which will it be tonight?
someone please help them!

Monday, May 3, 2010


nice night. dark, rain, in great company. where is it, i still wonder? so many demons surround me. i just smile. it will be here soon.


Secrets. Yes, we all have them. I have many addictions that no one will ever know about. Some I have lied about. Some have not yet surfaced. I am suffering now. Can't get enough of this addiction. I want it now! Where is it? I keep looking for it to appear. This one is playing games with me. Day after day, night after night, i look for something to take its place. Just to get me through until I can try again. I do not seem to grow tired of these addictions. I look for more to add to the collection. Have found another just the other day. Evil smiles across my face. Time to go after it!